Register for Camp Quest Ohio

Summer 2025: July 20 - July 26
4-H Camp Canter’s Cave, Jackson, OH
Ages 8-17 (LT Option for 16 & 17)
Cost $750
Registration will open in mid-January.

Campership Requests

Camp Quest Ohio has limited ability to provide financial aid to reduce the cost of camp for families with financial need. Each year, we make a determination based on the number of donations as to how many camperships we are able to provide. All campership recipients are asked to pay, at minimum, the $250 deposit for camp and then to decide what amount their family finances allow them to contribute above that amount towards the camp fees.

To apply for a campership, click here and complete the Campership Request for Summer 2024.


LT Application (Age 16 & 17)
“Leadership Track”, or LT is a dynamic specialized youth development track with some separate programming and an opportunity for increased leadership skill development. LTs attend a pre-camp training day with camp staff, work with younger campers at camp, and have opportunities to develop leadership through a variety of camp activities. Formerly known as CIT, or Counselor in Training. The LT rate is the same as the camper rate, however LT’s will receive additional opportunities to benefit their leadership development.

Visit the LT Page for additional information.